Cherry Wood Horse Rescue and Barn
We are a nonprofit organization devoted to saving abused and neglected horses from slaughter
Your contributions may be deductible
We are a nonprofit organization devoted to saving abused and neglected horses from slaughter
Your contributions may be deductible
Although we no longer offer rides, your support is still very much needed and appreciated as we continue our rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Just as we help horses, they in turn help us through their power to heal the human heart, especially during these challenging times. It's almost magical how relaxed and hopeful you can feel just watching our rescues graze.
Worry Not Ponies
We rescue
The used and forgotten
Their hope fading, standing heads down, eyes dull
Twilight is nigh
We polish and care until hope's on the horizon
The shine in their coats and spark in their eyes
Warm beating hearts so dear and kind
Grateful to be safe and alive
Worry not pretty ponies we have arrived
by Pepper Fewel
We rescue
The used and forgotten
Their hope fading, standing heads down, eyes dull
Twilight is nigh
We polish and care until hope's on the horizon
The shine in their coats and spark in their eyes
Warm beating hearts so dear and kind
Grateful to be safe and alive
Worry not pretty ponies we have arrived
by Pepper Fewel
Pepper and Tiffany have been saving horses from slaughter for well over 20 years now. They take what others have thrown away – the elderly, the abused, the injured and the malnourished.
From the time a horse arrives at Cherry Wood its rehabilitation is under the direction of Tiffany Fewel and Natural Connections. This is often a long, and almost always an expensive process involving not only Tiffany’s expertise but that of farriers and veterinarians, along with special feeds and supplements. Once restored to mental and physical health, Tiffany evaluates each horse for possible adoption. While some are able to be placed in loving, caring, permanent homes, most live out their lives in contented retirement at Cherry Wood.
Pepper and Tiffany have been saving horses from slaughter for well over 20 years now. They take what others have thrown away – the elderly, the abused, the injured and the malnourished.
From the time a horse arrives at Cherry Wood its rehabilitation is under the direction of Tiffany Fewel and Natural Connections. This is often a long, and almost always an expensive process involving not only Tiffany’s expertise but that of farriers and veterinarians, along with special feeds and supplements. Once restored to mental and physical health, Tiffany evaluates each horse for possible adoption. While some are able to be placed in loving, caring, permanent homes, most live out their lives in contented retirement at Cherry Wood.
When Pepper and Tiffany first saw the old gelding standing in a feed lot, looking half-starved, his coat was so dull and scruffy they weren’t even sure what color he was. But they were sure of one thing: He hadn’t given up hope. When he looked at them with his big soft eyes and lowered his head to be petted, they knew that despite whatever had happened in his past, he was still looking for the right someone to come along.
Tumbleweed had been blown around a lot before he came to Cherry Wood. He still carries a few bumps and scars to prove it, but the hard times are behind him. Today he is one of Cherry Wood most trusted and loved steeds. His strawberry roan coat shines and while he isn’t the fastest horse in the string, he is one of the kindest, gentlest horses you’ll ever meet.
"They always said there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, well not quite a pot but a heart. Good ole Tumbleweed." - Clinton Carl, Cherry Wood Wrangler
When Pepper and Tiffany first saw the old gelding standing in a feed lot, looking half-starved, his coat was so dull and scruffy they weren’t even sure what color he was. But they were sure of one thing: He hadn’t given up hope. When he looked at them with his big soft eyes and lowered his head to be petted, they knew that despite whatever had happened in his past, he was still looking for the right someone to come along.
Tumbleweed had been blown around a lot before he came to Cherry Wood. He still carries a few bumps and scars to prove it, but the hard times are behind him. Today he is one of Cherry Wood most trusted and loved steeds. His strawberry roan coat shines and while he isn’t the fastest horse in the string, he is one of the kindest, gentlest horses you’ll ever meet.
"They always said there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, well not quite a pot but a heart. Good ole Tumbleweed." - Clinton Carl, Cherry Wood Wrangler

Brownie had suffered the worst abuse Pepper and Tiffany have ever seen – and they have seen a lot of abuse. This big beautiful animal had been so badly beaten his eyes were still swollen shut when Pepper began trying to rebuild the traumatized horse’s faith in people.
It took over a year to gain his trust and prepare him for a new life. By this time Pepper and Brownie were pretty attached, but when the right home came along, Pepper knew she had to let go. It’s hardest and most rewarding part of what she and Tiffany do when they save and rehabilitate an unwanted horse.
So you can imagine how it filled their hearts to receive this note from the ranching family that adopted Brownie:
“We have been riding Brownie a lot and took him to his first branding this spring. He did great! You can tell that he likes to work cattle and feels at home here on the ranch. He is even starting to get over his fear of people touching and moving his ears. We have rigged a special bosal so we don’t have to mess with his ears, but I think with more time he’ll get over his fear completely. He is a wonderful horse and my husband and him get along beautifully together. We are so glad that you saved him and that we were in the right place at the right time to find out about him.”
It took over a year to gain his trust and prepare him for a new life. By this time Pepper and Brownie were pretty attached, but when the right home came along, Pepper knew she had to let go. It’s hardest and most rewarding part of what she and Tiffany do when they save and rehabilitate an unwanted horse.
So you can imagine how it filled their hearts to receive this note from the ranching family that adopted Brownie:
“We have been riding Brownie a lot and took him to his first branding this spring. He did great! You can tell that he likes to work cattle and feels at home here on the ranch. He is even starting to get over his fear of people touching and moving his ears. We have rigged a special bosal so we don’t have to mess with his ears, but I think with more time he’ll get over his fear completely. He is a wonderful horse and my husband and him get along beautifully together. We are so glad that you saved him and that we were in the right place at the right time to find out about him.”

Looking For a Horse?
Please consider a rescue. We can work with you to find and rehabilitate just the right partner for you. Contact Pepper or Tiffany to talk about how they can help you help a deserving horse.
"Seriously good work by Pepper and Tiffany. I love my rescue, my sweet horse Dulce." – Liz, who adopted Dulce from Cherry Wood in 2013
Please consider a rescue. We can work with you to find and rehabilitate just the right partner for you. Contact Pepper or Tiffany to talk about how they can help you help a deserving horse.
"Seriously good work by Pepper and Tiffany. I love my rescue, my sweet horse Dulce." – Liz, who adopted Dulce from Cherry Wood in 2013